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In this study, in order to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels in ironmaking, we experimentally examined the possibility of developing a new ironmaking method that employs low-grade iron ore and woody biomass for promoting the direct reduction, FeO + C = Fe + CO, in which dehydrated, porous limonite iron ore was filled with carbon deposited from the biomass tar. In our experiments, three types of iron ores containing different amounts of combined water (CW: 1.6, 3.8, 9.0 mass%) were first dehydrated at 450 °C to be make them porous and then heated with pine tree biomass at 500 to 600°C in order to gasify the biomass and deposit the resulting tar vapor within/on the porous ores. The dehydration treatment made the iron ores porous by removing CW and significantly increase their BET specific surface areas and porosities. The use of the limonite ore containing 9 mass% CW drastically increased the BET area from 13 to 74 m2/g. In the second treatment of biomass gasification and deposition of tar vapor, the biomass was changed into char, tar vapor, and reducing gas, the tar vapor (volatile matter) was decomposed and carbonized within the porous ores. Interestingly, the ores caught tar effectively, not only on the surface but also inside their pores. Here, the ores with the nanosized pores served as catalysts for tar carbonization with gas generation. Simultaneously, the ores were partially reduced to magnetite by the reducing gas. The ores containing carbonized material were easily reduced to iron by only heating until 900 °C in a nitrogen atmosphere, this was due to the direct contact of carbon and iron oxide within the ores, called direct reduction. In conclusion, the dehydrated limonite iron ore was most effective for solving the problem of tar generation in biomass gasification and the product filled with carbonized material from tar can be a promising raw material for ironmaking. The results suggest an innovative ironmaking method with large reduction of carbon-dioxide emission using low-grade iron ore and woody biomass


In this study, in order to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels in ironmaking, we experimentally examined the possibility of developing a new ironmaking method that employs low-grade iron ore and woody biomass for promoting the direct reduction, FeO + C = Fe + CO, in which dehydrated, porous limonite iron ore was filled with carbon deposited from the biomass tar. In our experiments, three types of iron ores containing different amounts of combined water (CW: 1.6, 3.8, 9.0 mass%) were first dehydrated at 450 °C to be make them porous and then heated with pine tree biomass at 500 to 600°C in order to gasify the biomass and deposit the resulting tar vapor within/on the porous ores. The dehydration treatment made the iron ores porous by removing CW and significantly increase their BET specific surface areas and porosities. The use of the limonite ore containing 9 mass% CW drastically increased the BET area from 13 to 74 m2/g. In the second treatment of biomass gasification and deposition of tar vapor, the biomass was changed into char, tar vapor, and reducing gas, the tar vapor (volatile matter) was decomposed and carbonized within the porous ores. Interestingly, the ores caught tar effectively, not only on the surface but also inside their pores. Here, the ores with the nanosized pores served as catalysts for tar carbonization with gas generation. Simultaneously, the ores were partially reduced to magnetite by the reducing gas. The ores containing carbonized material were easily reduced to iron by only heating until 900 °C in a nitrogen atmosphere, this was due to the direct contact of carbon and iron oxide within the ores, called direct reduction. In conclusion, the dehydrated limonite iron ore was most effective for solving the problem of tar generation in biomass gasification and the product filled with carbonized material from tar can be a promising raw material for ironmaking. The results suggest an innovative ironmaking method with large reduction of carbon-dioxide emission using low-grade iron ore and woody biomass


Ironmaking; Biomass; Direct reduction; Goethite; Pine tree

Ironmaking; Biomass; Direct reduction; Goethite; Pine tree

Como citar

Akiyama, Tomohiro; Hata, Yuichi. BIOMASS IRONMAKING USING GOETHITE ORE AND PINE TREE , p. 123-133. In: 7th Japan-Brazil Syposium on Dust Processing-Energy-Environment and 1st International Seminar On Self-Reducing and Cold Bonded Agglomeration, São Paulo, 2008.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/5463-5463-2009-15679-0015