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The sustainability and competitiveness of the charcoal production market depends on the improvement and innovation of its carbonization technologies. Reasons such as variability in charcoal quality, difficulties in the recovery of pyrolysis products and greenhouse gas emissions limit the growth of charcoal production. In this context, Vallourec, in 2008, started the development of the Carboval continuous retort technology, which operates on industrial scale. This document focuses in quality improvements, recovery of pyrolysis products and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions provided by Carboval technology, when compared to conventional masonry furnaces used in the production of charcoal. The results show a significant reduction in charcoal quality deviations, in addition to the recovery of vegetable tar and pyroligneous extract as highly profitable co-products. The gases are super stoichiometrically burned to supply thermal energy for the pyrolysis and drying of the wood, which guarantees the CH4 destruction and consequently a significant reduction in CO2eq emissions from charcoal production.


The sustainability and competitiveness of the charcoal production market depends on the improvement and innovation of its carbonization technologies. Reasons such as variability in charcoal quality, difficulties in the recovery of pyrolysis products and greenhouse gas emissions limit the growth of charcoal production. In this context, Vallourec, in 2008, started the development of the Carboval continuous retort technology, which operates on industrial scale. This document focuses in quality improvements, recovery of pyrolysis products and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions provided by Carboval technology, when compared to conventional masonry furnaces used in the production of charcoal. The results show a significant reduction in charcoal quality deviations, in addition to the recovery of vegetable tar and pyroligneous extract as highly profitable co-products. The gases are super stoichiometrically burned to supply thermal energy for the pyrolysis and drying of the wood, which guarantees the CH4 destruction and consequently a significant reduction in CO2eq emissions from charcoal production.


charcoal; continues retort; Carboval; CH4; GHG.

charcoal; continues retort; Carboval; CH4; GHG.

Como citar

Fialho, Lucas de Freitas; Barroso, Rodrigo Camargos; Martins, Luidi Castro. CARBOVAL: TECHNOLOGY BREAKTHROUGH IN CHARCOAL PRODUCTION , p. 412-420. In: 4th EMECR - International Conference on Energy and Material Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel Industry 2022, São Paulo, 2022.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/5463-5463-35092