1th International Meeting on Coal vol. 1, num.1 (1987)


Controle na Instrumentação para Modernos Fornos de Coque.

Controle na Instrumentação para Modernos Fornos de Coque.




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The measurement of the temperature distribution within a coke oven battery has long been a problem for BSC and other coke producers, and many possible solutions have been proposed, most of which have never progressed beyond the prototype stage. It is essential to know the temperature distribution throughout the battery in order to produce high-quality coke consistently, to prevent damage to the fabric of the battery, and to ensure the most efficient use of the fuel used for underfiring. Two methods of measuring battery temperatures have been developed at British Steel Corporation's Corporate Process Research Laboratories. One is an enhancement to the traditional method of flue block temperature measurement, and the second is a technique that automatically measures the temperature of the coke as it is ejected from the oven.


The measurement of the temperature distribution within a coke oven battery has long been a problem for BSC and other coke producers, and many possible solutions have been proposed, most of which have never progressed beyond the prototype stage. It is essential to know the temperature distribution throughout the battery in order to produce high-quality coke consistently, to prevent damage to the fabric of the battery, and to ensure the most efficient use of the fuel used for underfiring. Two methods of measuring battery temperatures have been developed at British Steel Corporation's Corporate Process Research Laboratories. One is an enhancement to the traditional method of flue block temperature measurement, and the second is a technique that automatically measures the temperature of the coke as it is ejected from the oven.




Como citar

Partington, D.; Corporation, British Steel; Laboratories, Teesside. Controle na Instrumentação para Modernos Fornos de Coque. , p. 353-370. In: 1th International Meeting on Coal, Rio de Janeiro, 1987, 1987.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/1TH-MEETING-COAL-1987-1987057