Anais dos Seminários de Redução, Minério de Ferro e Aglomeração

ISSN 2594-357X







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Danieli’s Energiron DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) technology coupled with hot transport of DRI to the EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) is aimed to produce high carbon DRI at lower energy and reduced CO2 emission. Conventional blast furnace route of iron making is characterized by intensive use of coal and therefore, is emission intensive. Gas based DRI uses natural gas, which is cleaner than coking coal: and hence, 40- 60% less emission intensive than blast furnace. But, due to unavailability of low cost natural gas in all parts of the world, Energiron ZR (Zero Reforming) route is designed that allows the flexibility to use gas from a variety of sources such as natural gas, gas from blast furnace, coke oven, and basic oxygen furnace, syngas, and coal bed methane. This route is therefore useful for coal-rich countries as well such as India, China, Russia, and Ukraine etc. Energiron ZR scheme capitalises on generation of reducing gas in-situ inside the reactor, and thereby eliminate the need for external reformer, resulting maximum utilization of supplied heat with minimum energy loss to atmosphere. Energiron ZR scheme produces high quality hot and cold DRI (94% metallization, 3.7 % carbon). This needs energy consumption of 2.25-2.30 GCal/t DRI and 60-80 kWh/t DRI as electrical power with iron ore consumption of 1.35-1.40 t/t DRI. The energy saving from hot charging (600 ºC) of 100% DRI in EAF at Emirates Steel, Abu Dhabi, reaches the new world benchmark of 131 KWh/t liquid steel. The Energiron ZR process 60% of CO2 from the exhaust stream is selectively removed. To reduce emission even further, a new process called ‘Energiron ZR (Minimum Emission)’ is designed and patented, wherein 90% of CO2 is selectively removed from the exhaust stream using physical adsorption system (PSA type). This gives nearly carbon free emission from the ENERGIRON ZR plant, and provides further scope of sequestered CO2 to store as a by-product for commercial sale to food processing industry. This paper discusses on energy and emission aspects of the Energiron DRI technology.


Danieli’s Energiron DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) technology coupled with hot transport of DRI to the EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) is aimed to produce high carbon DRI at lower energy and reduced CO2 emission. Conventional blast furnace route of iron making is characterized by intensive use of coal and therefore, is emission intensive. Gas based DRI uses natural gas, which is cleaner than coking coal: and hence, 40- 60% less emission intensive than blast furnace. But, due to unavailability of low cost natural gas in all parts of the world, Energiron ZR (Zero Reforming) route is designed that allows the flexibility to use gas from a variety of sources such as natural gas, gas from blast furnace, coke oven, and basic oxygen furnace, syngas, and coal bed methane. This route is therefore useful for coal-rich countries as well such as India, China, Russia, and Ukraine etc. Energiron ZR scheme capitalises on generation of reducing gas in-situ inside the reactor, and thereby eliminate the need for external reformer, resulting maximum utilization of supplied heat with minimum energy loss to atmosphere. Energiron ZR scheme produces high quality hot and cold DRI (94% metallization, 3.7 % carbon). This needs energy consumption of 2.25-2.30 GCal/t DRI and 60-80 kWh/t DRI as electrical power with iron ore consumption of 1.35-1.40 t/t DRI. The energy saving from hot charging (600 ºC) of 100% DRI in EAF at Emirates Steel, Abu Dhabi, reaches the new world benchmark of 131 KWh/t liquid steel. The Energiron ZR process 60% of CO2 from the exhaust stream is selectively removed. To reduce emission even further, a new process called ‘Energiron ZR (Minimum Emission)’ is designed and patented, wherein 90% of CO2 is selectively removed from the exhaust stream using physical adsorption system (PSA type). This gives nearly carbon free emission from the ENERGIRON ZR plant, and provides further scope of sequestered CO2 to store as a by-product for commercial sale to food processing industry. This paper discusses on energy and emission aspects of the Energiron DRI technology.


Iron making; DRI; Energiron; Energy efficiency; Emission reduction.

Iron making; DRI; Energiron; Energy efficiency; Emission reduction.

Como citar

Mukhopadhyay, Ananya; Ometto., Marco. ENERGY SAVING AND CO2 REDUCTION IN ENERGIRON DRI PRODUCTION , p. 302-312. In: 42º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas / 13º Seminário Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro / 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking, Rio de Jabeiro, 2012.
ISSN: 2594-357X , DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-22094