1st International Meeting on Ironmaking vol. 1, num.1 (2001)


High-production blast furnace operation with high-rate pulverized coal injection and analysis of samples taken from it.

High-production blast furnace operation with high-rate pulverized coal injection and analysis of samples taken from it.




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The following findings were derived from the analysis of high-production blast furnace operation with a high pulverized coal injection rate: (1) The improvement of sintered ore quality and the adoption of a new type of chute with good burden distribution control capability, providing an ore inflow control charging pattern, resulted in the formation of an inversely V-shaped cohesive zone with an intensified central gas flow, even in operations with the ore-to-coke ratio above 5.0. These improvements stabilized the gas flow and significantly improved the gas permeability and the packed structure of the burden in the lower part of the blast furnace. (2) Analysis of the state of metallic iron and slag composition in the samples collected from the tuyere during shutdown revealed that good reduction was achieved even in high-production operations with a high pulverized coal injection rate. (3) To ensure stable blast furnace operation over a long period of time, it is necessary to maintain good gas and fluid permeabilities in the packed burden bed in the lower part of the blast furnace, considering the effect of the ash from pulverized coal.


The following findings were derived from the analysis of high-production blast furnace operation with a high pulverized coal injection rate: (1) The improvement of sintered ore quality and the adoption of a new type of chute with good burden distribution control capability, providing an ore inflow control charging pattern, resulted in the formation of an inversely V-shaped cohesive zone with an intensified central gas flow, even in operations with the ore-to-coke ratio above 5.0. These improvements stabilized the gas flow and significantly improved the gas permeability and the packed structure of the burden in the lower part of the blast furnace. (2) Analysis of the state of metallic iron and slag composition in the samples collected from the tuyere during shutdown revealed that good reduction was achieved even in high-production operations with a high pulverized coal injection rate. (3) To ensure stable blast furnace operation over a long period of time, it is necessary to maintain good gas and fluid permeabilities in the packed burden bed in the lower part of the blast furnace, considering the effect of the ash from pulverized coal.




Como citar

Kunitomo, Kazuya; Ichida, Morimasa; Naito, Masaaki. High-production blast furnace operation with high-rate pulverized coal injection and analysis of samples taken from it. , p. 203-220. In: 1st International Meeting on Ironmaking, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, 2001.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/ABM-IRONMAKING-2001-2001210