Anais do Seminário de Laminação, Conformação de Metais e Produtos

ISSN 2594-5297

52º Seminário de Laminação vol. 52, num.52 (2015)






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Today we are talking about Industry 4.0, as the latest revolution of industrial processes and progress, considering that the steam engine (Industry 1.0), railways and cars, mass production in the 1920th (2.0), Industrial Automation (3.0), and finally integrated manufacturing, integrated communication, and internet (4.0) can be seen as the state-of-the-art situation in industry, nowadays. Similar to the Industry progress, we can approach the rolling process of material, which started about 150 years ago in a very basic way. Steam engine- and belt driven-mills were very operators’ intensive, brutal and risky to operate. Mechanical improvements brought throughput, safety and quantity, as also quality of the products. The rolling of steel, in particular of rails, beams, rebar, strip (focus in this paper) and plate has enabled the large scale transport and travel, the building of bridges and buildings, the manufacturing of ships and cars. From single stands to continuous rolling trains the production and quality of mills increased significantly. From ingots and blooms to slabs, we have to admit a big jump in which has changed the face of the world significantly. Thin Slab Rolling has revolutionized the output and the throughput of rolling mills (Generation 3.0 to 5.0). Finally, Endless Rolling, has boosted the quality and quantity of rolling mill processes and permitted nowadays to enter in market niches which were not thinkable a decade ago. Mastering the automation and applying reliable systems (mechanical and electronically) of drives, actuators and sensors, as also communication and information interchange to all levels of automation are the success factors of such complex mills, we call herein after “Rolling Mills of Generation 6.0”.



Hot rolling, Steel, Generations of mills, Generation 6.0

Generation 6.0

Como citar

Berger, Karl; Holy, Franz. HOT ROLLING OF STEEL – GENERATION 6.0 , p. 224-232. In: 52º Seminário de Laminação, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
ISSN: 2594-5297 , DOI 10.5151/1983-4764-26543