ISSN 2594-5297
41º Seminário de Laminação, Processos e Produtos Laminados Revestidos — vol. 41, num.41 (2004)
Hot Strip Rolling Mills around the world have been attempting to use High Speed Steel Work Rolls for more than ten years. This shift has been successful in many Hot Mill operations but not so in others. The transition to High Speed Steel Rolls has been slow and steady, but not without trouble. The ability to make high quality, tough products is a necessary focus. There is a cost to create a mill environment that allows these high technology rolls to be successful and the rewards of doing so include lower quality rejections, improved roll performance, lower total costs and a more reliable delivery schedule. Where roll technology changes have been made with a single minded thought – improvement of the quality of coiled strip for the customer – the use of HSS rolls has been successful.
Hot Strip Rolling Mills around the world have been attempting to use High Speed Steel Work Rolls for more than ten years. This shift has been successful in many Hot Mill operations but not so in others. The transition to High Speed Steel Rolls has been slow and steady, but not without trouble. The ability to make high quality, tough products is a necessary focus. There is a cost to create a mill environment that allows these high technology rolls to be successful and the rewards of doing so include lower quality rejections, improved roll performance, lower total costs and a more reliable delivery schedule. Where roll technology changes have been made with a single minded thought – improvement of the quality of coiled strip for the customer – the use of HSS rolls has been successful.
Hot rolling, Roll Technology, High Speed Steel Rolls, Quality improvement
Hot rolling, Roll Technology, High Speed Steel Rolls, Quality improvement
Como citar
M.E.S, Edward J. Kerr;
Xavier, Renato Rufino.
p. 39-48.
In: 41º Seminário de Laminação, Processos e Produtos Laminados Revestidos,
Joinville - SC,
ISSN: 2594-5297
, DOI 10.5151/2594-5297-2004-9449-0005