ISSN 2594-357X
This paper presents a mineral liberation study on two iron ore samples from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, in Brazil: compact itabirite of low-grade metamorphism (CI) and friable itabirite of high-grade metamorphism (FI). The quartz liberation spectrum for both samples have been obtained through QEMSCAN analyses, carried out for several comminution degrees, to compare the liberation characteristics and to evaluate the evolution of the quartz’s liberation degree after fragmentation. The results have shown significant differences in liberation spectrum between the itabirite samples studied. The liberation process of FI was easier than of CI, due its high porosity and larger crystal size compared with CI, which has shown more complex mineral assemblages with low porosity and smaller crystals. The quartz liberation spectrum has shown that grinding at P95 of 0.210 mm for the FI sample, and of 0.045 mm for CI sample, should result in satisfactory liberation for subsequent concentration step.
This paper presents a mineral liberation study on two iron ore samples from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, in Brazil: compact itabirite of low-grade metamorphism (CI) and friable itabirite of high-grade metamorphism (FI). The quartz liberation spectrum for both samples have been obtained through QEMSCAN analyses, carried out for several comminution degrees, to compare the liberation characteristics and to evaluate the evolution of the quartz’s liberation degree after fragmentation. The results have shown significant differences in liberation spectrum between the itabirite samples studied. The liberation process of FI was easier than of CI, due its high porosity and larger crystal size compared with CI, which has shown more complex mineral assemblages with low porosity and smaller crystals. The quartz liberation spectrum has shown that grinding at P95 of 0.210 mm for the FI sample, and of 0.045 mm for CI sample, should result in satisfactory liberation for subsequent concentration step.
Itabirite; Iron ore; Mineral liberation spectrum; QEMSCAN
Itabirite; Iron ore; Mineral liberation spectrum; QEMSCAN
Como citar
Rodrigo Fina Ferreira;
Rosa Malena Fernandes Lima.
p. 5274-5284.
In: 44º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas, 15º Simpósio Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro e 2º Simpósio Brasileiro de Aglomeração de Minério de Ferro,
Belo Horizonte - Brasil,
ISSN: 2594-357X
, DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-25442