ISSN 2594-357X
In this paper a new technology for a compact iron ore sintering machine is analyzed. The compact sintering process is based on the massive injection of gaseous fuels and the solid fuel is only agglomerated fine charcoal obtained by biomass. The solid fuel used in this study is obtained by agglomeration of fine charcoal produced from elephant glass which has very short period for production and CO2 capture(less than 6 months in tropical climate). To overcome the lower heat supply into the combustion front of the sintering process the simultaneous injection of oxygen and gaseous fuel is proposed. The proposed methodology is to combine the solid fuel (agglomerated fines charcoal) and steelworks gases in a compact machine to enhance heat and mass transfer with high productivity (about 5 times the conventional large machine). A multiphase mathematical model based on transport equations of momentum, energy and chemical species coupled with chemical reaction rates and phase transformations is used to analyze the inner process parameters. A base case representing a possible actual industrial operation of the sintering machine is used in order to compare different scenarios of practicable operations which represents advanced operations techniques. The model was used to predict six cases of combined operation with biomass and fuel gas utilization with oxygen support.
In this paper a new technology for a compact iron ore sintering machine is analyzed. The compact sintering process is based on the massive injection of gaseous fuels and the solid fuel is only agglomerated fine charcoal obtained by biomass. The solid fuel used in this study is obtained by agglomeration of fine charcoal produced from elephant glass which has very short period for production and CO2 capture(less than 6 months in tropical climate). To overcome the lower heat supply into the combustion front of the sintering process the simultaneous injection of oxygen and gaseous fuel is proposed. The proposed methodology is to combine the solid fuel (agglomerated fines charcoal) and steelworks gases in a compact machine to enhance heat and mass transfer with high productivity (about 5 times the conventional large machine). A multiphase mathematical model based on transport equations of momentum, energy and chemical species coupled with chemical reaction rates and phase transformations is used to analyze the inner process parameters. A base case representing a possible actual industrial operation of the sintering machine is used in order to compare different scenarios of practicable operations which represents advanced operations techniques. The model was used to predict six cases of combined operation with biomass and fuel gas utilization with oxygen support.
Compact sintering process; Mathematical modeling; Bio-fuels; Gas injection
Compact sintering process; Mathematical modeling; Bio-fuels; Gas injection
Como citar
José Adilson de Castro.
p. 5759-5764.
In: 44º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas, 15º Simpósio Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro e 2º Simpósio Brasileiro de Aglomeração de Minério de Ferro,
Belo Horizonte - Brasil,
ISSN: 2594-357X
, DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-25636