1st International Meeting on Ironmaking vol. 1, num.1 (2001)


PRIMUS® - Iron for Minimills

PRIMUS® - Iron for Minimills




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This paper presents the application of the PRIMUS® process for the production of liquid pig iron at the mini-mill scale. PAUL WURTH S.A. has developed this process using the multiple-hearth furnace technology for the pre-reduction of iron oxide combined with an electrically heated melting furnace. Highly metallized DRI fines (>90% metallization) are hot charged (T > 1000ºC) into a specially designed melting furnace which is operated as EAF. The PRIMUS® process uses coal fines as reductant and main energy source. A trial plant with a capacity of about 2 t/h was built and has been successfully operated for about two years at the ProfilArbed Belval site in Luxembourg. This paper reports on trial campaigns carried out for reducing iron ore and melting DRI fines, both of which have given the most promising results.


This paper presents the application of the PRIMUS® process for the production of liquid pig iron at the mini-mill scale. PAUL WURTH S.A. has developed this process using the multiple-hearth furnace technology for the pre-reduction of iron oxide combined with an electrically heated melting furnace. Highly metallized DRI fines (>90% metallization) are hot charged (T > 1000ºC) into a specially designed melting furnace which is operated as EAF. The PRIMUS® process uses coal fines as reductant and main energy source. A trial plant with a capacity of about 2 t/h was built and has been successfully operated for about two years at the ProfilArbed Belval site in Luxembourg. This paper reports on trial campaigns carried out for reducing iron ore and melting DRI fines, both of which have given the most promising results.




Como citar

Hansmann, Thomas; Roth, Jean-Luc; Frieden, Romain; Reis, Guilherme dos; Cunha, Mário. PRIMUS® - Iron for Minimills , p. 337-348. In: 1st International Meeting on Ironmaking, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, 2001.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/ABM-IRONMAKING-2001-2001221