Anais dos Seminários de Redução, Minério de Ferro e Aglomeração

ISSN 2594-357X







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Elemental analysis of conveyed bulk flows in real time has resulted in significant improvements in advancing process control in mineral processing operations. Applications in iron ore operations are discussed with focus on demonstrable performance and measurable benefits. The iron ore company in this case study had prior experience with the analyser technology, pioneering its implementation in a minerals application some years earlier to develop confidence in its performance. A number of analysers were subsequently included throughout the new plant design for extensive measurement and control of conveyed bulk flows, from conveying after mining through to rail load-out. Analysers were fitted to existing conveyor belts. Operators were able to realise benefits previously unattainable for this advanced process control, surpassing capabilities of traditional equipment options. Basis of operation of the PGNA through belt, full stream, continuous, multi-elemental, real time analysis technology is explained. Advantages of these features are detailed in terms of operational impact including installation, calibration, maintenance, interface with plant systems and availability of data for process control. Analyser suitability was initially evaluated through test work on site samples to determine customised performance expectations for each application. Periodic analyser results are compared to expectations to validate performance. Equipment pay back of a few weeks was realised for most systems. Through proven performance in these applications, the operators consider the technology an essential component in advanced process control necessary in new plant designs, rather than an optimisation tool. Consequently, various new applications have been identified to more fully utilise the technology.


Elemental analysis of conveyed bulk flows in real time has resulted in significant improvements in advancing process control in mineral processing operations. Applications in iron ore operations are discussed with focus on demonstrable performance and measurable benefits. The iron ore company in this case study had prior experience with the analyser technology, pioneering its implementation in a minerals application some years earlier to develop confidence in its performance. A number of analysers were subsequently included throughout the new plant design for extensive measurement and control of conveyed bulk flows, from conveying after mining through to rail load-out. Analysers were fitted to existing conveyor belts. Operators were able to realise benefits previously unattainable for this advanced process control, surpassing capabilities of traditional equipment options. Basis of operation of the PGNA through belt, full stream, continuous, multi-elemental, real time analysis technology is explained. Advantages of these features are detailed in terms of operational impact including installation, calibration, maintenance, interface with plant systems and availability of data for process control. Analyser suitability was initially evaluated through test work on site samples to determine customised performance expectations for each application. Periodic analyser results are compared to expectations to validate performance. Equipment pay back of a few weeks was realised for most systems. Through proven performance in these applications, the operators consider the technology an essential component in advanced process control necessary in new plant designs, rather than an optimisation tool. Consequently, various new applications have been identified to more fully utilise the technology.


Analyser; Real time; Elemental; Process control.

Analyser; Real time; Elemental; Process control.

Como citar

Kurth, Henry. REAL TIME ON-BELT ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS FOR ADVANCED PROCESS CONTROL IN IRON ORE , p. 364-373. In: 43º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-Primas e o 14º Simpósio Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro, São Paulo, 2013.
ISSN: 2594-357X , DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-23829