1st International Meeting on Ironmaking vol. 1, num.1 (2001)


Successful reline and startup of CSN #2 blast furnace

Successful reline and startup of CSN #2 blast furnace




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This paper presents the successful relining and startup of CSN, Brazil, #2 blast furnace completed in December 2001 to prolong its campaign for 8 more years. The activities of preparation for furnace shutdown and contingency plans are described, focusing on the operational procedures and salamander tapping. The basic relining scope, upgrades, project schedule, construction methodology, and the sequence of the main activities are discussed in detail. The furnace blow-in and post-reline operation are also discussed. This revamping was planned in only 6 months and carried out exactly according to the schedule in 20 days, constituting a world metallurgy landmark.


This paper presents the successful relining and startup of CSN, Brazil, #2 blast furnace completed in December 2001 to prolong its campaign for 8 more years. The activities of preparation for furnace shutdown and contingency plans are described, focusing on the operational procedures and salamander tapping. The basic relining scope, upgrades, project schedule, construction methodology, and the sequence of the main activities are discussed in detail. The furnace blow-in and post-reline operation are also discussed. This revamping was planned in only 6 months and carried out exactly according to the schedule in 20 days, constituting a world metallurgy landmark.




Como citar

Marques, Oscar Rosa; Silva, Sidnei Nascimento; Reis, Jorge Roberto; Roma, Reginaldo de Souza; Aguiar, Francisco Nóbrega de; Noblat, Sebastião Jorge Xavier. Successful reline and startup of CSN #2 blast furnace , p. 493-508. In: 1st International Meeting on Ironmaking, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, 2001.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/ABM-IRONMAKING-2001-2001234