1st International Meeting on Ironmaking vol. 1, num.1 (2001)


The development of the New Zealand export coal industry

The development of the New Zealand export coal industry




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Solid Energy has been an exporter of unique quality coals for over 20 years. The tonnages have been small by world standards, as coals have been marketed to usuários especialistas who are well placed to utilize the special properties of the coals. The company is now entering a new phase with a plan to increase output over the next few years; this will bring with it the need to identify more 'mainstream' customers for the coals. The company currently exports approximately 1.8 million tonnes to Asia, Europe, South Africa, and South America. Recent changes will increase this by 0.4 million tonnes, with a further 2 million tonnes planned over the next 4 years. This expansion will require significant capital expenditure on infrastructure and mining equipment. Two new opencut and one new underground mine will be developed. The coal quality types will be expanded from the current low ash coking coal, semi-soft coking coal, and high-energy thermal coal to a very low ash PCI coal and another quality low ash coking coal. Port developments will be reviewed; in addition to the current Panamax port at Lyttleton, an expansion to capesize is possible in the future. Other producers are likely to be involved in the port developments.


Solid Energy has been an exporter of unique quality coals for over 20 years. The tonnages have been small by world standards, as coals have been marketed to usuários especialistas who are well placed to utilize the special properties of the coals. The company is now entering a new phase with a plan to increase output over the next few years; this will bring with it the need to identify more 'mainstream' customers for the coals. The company currently exports approximately 1.8 million tonnes to Asia, Europe, South Africa, and South America. Recent changes will increase this by 0.4 million tonnes, with a further 2 million tonnes planned over the next 4 years. This expansion will require significant capital expenditure on infrastructure and mining equipment. Two new opencut and one new underground mine will be developed. The coal quality types will be expanded from the current low ash coking coal, semi-soft coking coal, and high-energy thermal coal to a very low ash PCI coal and another quality low ash coking coal. Port developments will be reviewed; in addition to the current Panamax port at Lyttleton, an expansion to capesize is possible in the future. Other producers are likely to be involved in the port developments.




Como citar

Dunstone, R. H.. The development of the New Zealand export coal industry , p. 97-100. In: 1st International Meeting on Ironmaking, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, 2001.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/ABM-IRONMAKING-2001-2001201