1st International Meeting on Ironmaking vol. 1, num.1 (2001)


The U.S. coal supply/demand equation and how it will impact exports.

The U.S. coal supply/demand equation and how it will impact exports.




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Good morning. It is, as always, a pleasure for me to be in Brazil. CONSOL has been a supplier of metallurgical coal to the Brazilian steel industry for over 40 years, and 2001 marks the 16th consecutive year I have represented my company in this market. I like the people. I like the music. I like the food. And I love the fact that I no longer have to pay for coffee with a denominated bill that ends in 8 zeros! Much has changed since my first visit here over a decade and a half ago. In 1985, the Brazilian steel mills were government entities. Today, they have been privatized. In 1985, a company called Siderbras was responsible for purchasing coal for all the mills. Today, even though there is an element of collaboration, each mill makes its own coal buying decisions. In 1985, the BSM used 1.1 million metric tons per year of domestic coal and 7.4 million metric tons per year were imported. Today, all coal is imported... nearly 13.5 million metric tons per year. On the other hand, some things have not changed. Having Chico Buarque as an agent to assist CONSOL in the sale of its U.S. coal in Brazil is one of them. Those of you who have worked with Chico know two things about him. He is exceptionally competent, and he knows more jokes than any other person on the face of the planet.


Good morning. It is, as always, a pleasure for me to be in Brazil. CONSOL has been a supplier of metallurgical coal to the Brazilian steel industry for over 40 years, and 2001 marks the 16th consecutive year I have represented my company in this market. I like the people. I like the music. I like the food. And I love the fact that I no longer have to pay for coffee with a denominated bill that ends in 8 zeros! Much has changed since my first visit here over a decade and a half ago. In 1985, the Brazilian steel mills were government entities. Today, they have been privatized. In 1985, a company called Siderbras was responsible for purchasing coal for all the mills. Today, even though there is an element of collaboration, each mill makes its own coal buying decisions. In 1985, the BSM used 1.1 million metric tons per year of domestic coal and 7.4 million metric tons per year were imported. Today, all coal is imported... nearly 13.5 million metric tons per year. On the other hand, some things have not changed. Having Chico Buarque as an agent to assist CONSOL in the sale of its U.S. coal in Brazil is one of them. Those of you who have worked with Chico know two things about him. He is exceptionally competent, and he knows more jokes than any other person on the face of the planet.




Como citar

Koerpel, Craig S.. The U.S. coal supply/demand equation and how it will impact exports. , p. 529-536. In: 1st International Meeting on Ironmaking, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, 2001.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/ABM-IRONMAKING-2001-2001237