ISSN 2594-5300
39º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional — vol. 39, num.39 (2008)
Over the past 15 years, injection technologies have become much more important for EAF steelmaking. The chemical energy provided by injection provides significant process flexibility to EAF steelmaking as well as increasing the rate at which electrical energy can be added to the EAF. Chemical energy now contributes up to 50-55% of the total energy input to modern EAFs. However, the increased use of injection technologies in the EAF has not been without a price. Energy efficiency has suffered due to over-use of chemical energy during periods when energy transfer to the scrap or steel is low. Poor recovery of chemical energy leads to a waste of raw materials as well as unnecessary emissions of Greenhouse gases. Traditionally, energy efficiency has been determined only after the fact, through review of total energy, scrap yield and other bulk process parameters tabulated well after a heat is made. Most meltshops have simple instrumentation that could be used as feedback tools to increase understanding in injection energy efficiency. In recent years, advanced process analysis systems have also emerged. These systems monitor process parameters in real time so that adjustments can be made concurrent to steelmaking activities. This paper will provide specific examples of the application of advanced process analysis as applied to EAF operations and will show how some of these techniques can be used to improve the efficiency of injection technologies in the EAF process.
Over the past 15 years, injection technologies have become much more important for EAF steelmaking. The chemical energy provided by injection provides significant process flexibility to EAF steelmaking as well as increasing the rate at which electrical energy can be added to the EAF. Chemical energy now contributes up to 50-55% of the total energy input to modern EAFs. However, the increased use of injection technologies in the EAF has not been without a price. Energy efficiency has suffered due to over-use of chemical energy during periods when energy transfer to the scrap or steel is low. Poor recovery of chemical energy leads to a waste of raw materials as well as unnecessary emissions of Greenhouse gases. Traditionally, energy efficiency has been determined only after the fact, through review of total energy, scrap yield and other bulk process parameters tabulated well after a heat is made. Most meltshops have simple instrumentation that could be used as feedback tools to increase understanding in injection energy efficiency. In recent years, advanced process analysis systems have also emerged. These systems monitor process parameters in real time so that adjustments can be made concurrent to steelmaking activities. This paper will provide specific examples of the application of advanced process analysis as applied to EAF operations and will show how some of these techniques can be used to improve the efficiency of injection technologies in the EAF process.
EAF; Optimization; Efficiency.
EAF; Optimization; Efficiency.
Como citar
Jones, Jeremy A. T.;
Matson, Sam.
p. 170-179.
In: 39º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional,
Curitiba - PR,
ISSN: 2594-5300
, DOI 10.5151/2594-5300-2004-15789-0018