1st International Meeting on Ironmaking vol. 1, num.1 (2001)


Evaluation of High Temperature Properties of Blast Furnace Burden

Evaluation of High Temperature Properties of Blast Furnace Burden




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High temperature properties of blast furnace burden refer to the physical and chemical conditions of the burden materiais in the high temperature zone, as well as the interaction between the different materiais in the burden during slag formation and meltdown. Tests in industrial scale furnaces and in the LKAB experimental blast furnace have shown that all three of these properties must be considered in order to optimize burden properties. The ability of laboratory tests to simulate these behaviors is quite limited, and test results from laboratory scale should be treated with caution.


High temperature properties of blast furnace burden refer to the physical and chemical conditions of the burden materiais in the high temperature zone, as well as the interaction between the different materiais in the burden during slag formation and meltdown. Tests in industrial scale furnaces and in the LKAB experimental blast furnace have shown that all three of these properties must be considered in order to optimize burden properties. The ability of laboratory tests to simulate these behaviors is quite limited, and test results from laboratory scale should be treated with caution.




Como citar

Hooey, P. L.; Sterneland, J.; Hallin, M.. Evaluation of High Temperature Properties of Blast Furnace Burden , p. 107-122. In: 1st International Meeting on Ironmaking, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, 2001.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/ABM-IRONMAKING-2001-2001203