Anais do Seminário de Aciaria, Fundição e Metalurgia de Não-ferrosos

ISSN 2594-5300

44º Seminário de Aciaria vol. 44, num.44 (2013)







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The efficient use of resources in form of raw materials and energies is leading more and more to developments around the electric arc furnace. One of these developments is the electric arc furnace HeatOpt system from Siemens VAI that is continuously monitoring the furnace off-gas, the off-gas flow and the slag level and controlling the input of natural gas, oxygen for refining and post-combustion and carbon for slag management. The HeatOpt (Holistic energy and transparency optimizing) system consists of four main parts: The holistic process model – a combination of algorithms and prediction strategies, the LOMAS off-gas analyzing system, the SAM off-gas flow analyzer and the FOX300 as slag foaming indicator. This arrangement was successful implemented and tested in cooperation with Steel Dynamics Inc., Roanoke (USA), Siemens Industry Inc, Canonsburg, PA (USA) and Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH & Co in Germany and Austria in November 2011 and finalized in April 2012 with an economic benefit of more than 2US $/ton liquid steel.


The efficient use of resources in form of raw materials and energies is leading more and more to developments around the electric arc furnace. One of these developments is the electric arc furnace HeatOpt system from Siemens VAI that is continuously monitoring the furnace off-gas, the off-gas flow and the slag level and controlling the input of natural gas, oxygen for refining and post-combustion and carbon for slag management. The HeatOpt (Holistic energy and transparency optimizing) system consists of four main parts: The holistic process model – a combination of algorithms and prediction strategies, the LOMAS off-gas analyzing system, the SAM off-gas flow analyzer and the FOX300 as slag foaming indicator. This arrangement was successful implemented and tested in cooperation with Steel Dynamics Inc., Roanoke (USA), Siemens Industry Inc, Canonsburg, PA (USA) and Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH & Co in Germany and Austria in November 2011 and finalized in April 2012 with an economic benefit of more than 2US $/ton liquid steel.


Heatpt; Electric steelmaking; Off-gas measurement; Lomas gas analysis.

Heatpt; Electric steelmaking; Off-gas measurement; Lomas gas analysis.

Como citar

Dorndorf, Markus; Abel, Markus; Aflenzer, Helmuth; Vaillancourt, Denis; Tratnig, Mark. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH FOR EFFICIENT SCRAP MELTING , p. 273-281. In: 44º Seminário de Aciaria, São Paulo, 2013.
ISSN: 2594-5300 , DOI 10.5151/2594-5300-22781