Proceedings of the Seminar on Energy, Utilities and Industrial Gases

ISSN 2594-3626

36º Energy Balances / 30º Industrial Gas

vol. 36, num.36 (2015) — Event part of the ABM WEEK 1st edition - 2015


The 36th Energy & Utilities Seminar is part of ABM WEEK 2015, whose main theme Technology and Innovation for Competitiveness,will line up the common debates to 13 events that will occur in the period from 17 to 21 August. The program of this seminar will also include specific discussion and technical sessions where industry professionals,researchers and scholar present the scientific and technological developments and innovations implementedin the companies to increase competitivene.

Organizing Committee

36º Energy Balances


Carlos Kfouri - Linde Gases
Carlos Sadao Shiratsu - Consultor

Scientific coordinators

Lis Nunes Soares - Vallourec

Executive committee

Arlindo Fornas - Nitrotec
Frediano Del Grande - Cameron
Geraldo Sampaio - Consultor
José Roberto Indalecio - Air Products
Luiz Eduardo da Costa Borges - White Martins
Luiz Enrique Sturião - ArcelorMittal Tubarão
Paulo Sérgio Soares Santiago - Nalco
Paulo Sérgio de Barros - Air Liquide
Pedro Borella Neto - Nitrovet
Roni Trombini - Consultor

30º Industrial Gas


Fabricio Luis Rodrigues Cesario - Thyssenkrupp CSA
Rodrigo Alberto Moreira Gomes - Votorantim Metais

Executive committee

André Luiz Pereira Frias - Usiminas
Elaine Cristina do Carmo - Gerdau
Joaquim Luiz Monteiro de Barros - Kuttner
Isac Quintão Pessoa - Aperam
José Octávio M. Costa - VALE
Lis Nunes Soares - Vallourec
Marisson Pedro Baesso - CSN
Ronaldo M. Lima Junior - Usiminas