ISSN 2594-5327
69° Congresso Anual da ABM - Internacional — vol. 69, num.69 (2014)
The safe transport of sour gas requires steels with enhanced hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) resistance. Centerline segregation bands of high hardness microconstituents and non-metallic inclusions are the heterogeneities usually linked to HIC failures in pipeline steels. Full-scale production heats of a new low Mn, Nb microalloyed steel were produced by different steel mills aiming at the application in sour gas environments. The new alloy design provides both effective strengthening and control of sulphide inclusions. Coil microstructure consisted of fine grained ferrite with a small volume fraction of uniformly dispersed eutectoid aggregates. Most importantly the microstructure was uniform in both the longitudinal and transverse directions and exhibited exceptional consistency. Samples from this steel were submitted to HIC testing according to NACE standards TM0284-2003 without any sign of cracking. The results, so far, confirm that this new alloy design provides the unique opportunity to economically produce a high strength pipe steel grade with improved sour service resistance for the linepipe industry.
The safe transport of sour gas requires steels with enhanced hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) resistance. Centerline segregation bands of high hardness microconstituents and non-metallic inclusions are the heterogeneities usually linked to HIC failures in pipeline steels. Full-scale production heats of a new low Mn, Nb microalloyed steel were produced by different steel mills aiming at the application in sour gas environments. The new alloy design provides both effective strengthening and control of sulphide inclusions. Coil microstructure consisted of fine grained ferrite with a small volume fraction of uniformly dispersed eutectoid aggregates. Most importantly the microstructure was uniform in both the longitudinal and transverse directions and exhibited exceptional consistency. Samples from this steel were submitted to HIC testing according to NACE standards TM0284-2003 without any sign of cracking. The results, so far, confirm that this new alloy design provides the unique opportunity to economically produce a high strength pipe steel grade with improved sour service resistance for the linepipe industry.
HIC; API 5L; Sour service; H2S; Nb microalloy; Low Mn
HIC; API 5L; Sour service; H2S; Nb microalloy; Low Mn
Como citar
Mario González Ramírez;
Neusa Alonso Falleiros;
Hélio Goldenstein;
Frank Barbaro.
p. 7982-7994.
In: 69° Congresso Anual da ABM - Internacional,
São Paulo - Brasil,
ISSN: 2594-5327
, DOI 10.5151/1516-392X-24781