Anais do Seminário de Aciaria, Fundição e Metalurgia de Não-ferrosos

ISSN 2594-5300

45º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional vol. 45, num.45 (2014)







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Technological developments, associated with the constant worry about the environmental impacts arising from industrial activity, it has driven the development of technologies and practices for efficient fumes and particulates capture arising from the manufacturing processes of steel in steel plants in general. Currently, the electric steelshops in operation with Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF), seek parameterize/design dedusting systems able to retain most of the particulates generated during melting and refining of steel in FEA through configurations of equipment, technologies and parameters operation in order to equalize the antagonistic relationship between effective fumes capture and energy balance of the EAF. The present work gets as a fundamental premise to evaluate critically the possible different settings of the usual dust removal systems, as well as their respective classical parameterizations. The work main purpose is to establish a general rule evaluation technique for dedusting system considering the different modes of operation of an Electric Arc Furnace.


Technological developments, associated with the constant worry about the environmental impacts arising from industrial activity, it has driven the development of technologies and practices for efficient fumes and particulates capture arising from the manufacturing processes of steel in steel plants in general. Currently, the electric steelshops in operation with Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF), seek parameterize/design dedusting systems able to retain most of the particulates generated during melting and refining of steel in FEA through configurations of equipment, technologies and parameters operation in order to equalize the antagonistic relationship between effective fumes capture and energy balance of the EAF. The present work gets as a fundamental premise to evaluate critically the possible different settings of the usual dust removal systems, as well as their respective classical parameterizations. The work main purpose is to establish a general rule evaluation technique for dedusting system considering the different modes of operation of an Electric Arc Furnace.


Dedusting system; EAF; Adjustiment; Techology

Dedusting system; EAF; Adjustiment; Techology

Como citar

Tiago Seixas Bittencourt; Fernando Souza Cândido; Lauro Chevrand. DEDUSTING SYSTEM: A HOLISTC VIEW , p. 2117-2125. In: 45º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional, Porto Alegre - Brasil, 2014.
ISSN: 2594-5300 , DOI 10.5151/1982-9345-24264