Anais dos Seminários de Redução, Minério de Ferro e Aglomeração

ISSN 2594-357X







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The relevance of pellet production to ironmaking industry is rising every year, following the rise in production of pellet feed. Among the pellet induration systems, the traveling grate furnace (TGF) is the most important, particularly in Brazilian market. The paper presents a software that allows one to simulate it, evaluating product and process characteristics. The simulation follows a deterministic, fundamental-based mathematical model of the TGF, which considers the gas network, predicts pellet properties and energy consumption and productivity of the process. The mathematical model is composed by two coupled sub models: a model of pellet induration concerning the physical and chemical phenomena that occurs in the bulk of the pellet bed and a gas flow model which solves the gas flow between the different zones of the furnace. The user interacts with the model through a graphical interface. The software is applied to a particular case and the results are discussed.


The relevance of pellet production to ironmaking industry is rising every year, following the rise in production of pellet feed. Among the pellet induration systems, the traveling grate furnace (TGF) is the most important, particularly in Brazilian market. The paper presents a software that allows one to simulate it, evaluating product and process characteristics. The simulation follows a deterministic, fundamental-based mathematical model of the TGF, which considers the gas network, predicts pellet properties and energy consumption and productivity of the process. The mathematical model is composed by two coupled sub models: a model of pellet induration concerning the physical and chemical phenomena that occurs in the bulk of the pellet bed and a gas flow model which solves the gas flow between the different zones of the furnace. The user interacts with the model through a graphical interface. The software is applied to a particular case and the results are discussed.


Pellet induration; Numerical simulation; Traveling grate.

Pellet induration; Numerical simulation; Traveling grate.

Como citar

Morales, Bayard Beling; Contini, André Carlos; Trindade, Leonardo Barboza; Possani, Luiz Felipe Kusler; Baltazar, Anderson Willian de Souza; Ribeiro., Magno Rodrigues. DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF PELLET INDURATION MODEL , p. 61-68. In: 42º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas / 13º Seminário Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro / 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking, Rio de Jabeiro, 2012.
ISSN: 2594-357X , DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-21282