Anais do Seminário de Aciaria, Fundição e Metalurgia de Não-ferrosos

ISSN 2594-5300

46º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional vol. 46, num.46 (2015)






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Primetals Technologies has always been a driver of innovation in steelmaking, especially by providing sophisticated process expert models for continuous casting machines. This capability is demonstrated by recent advancements in automation solutions that include: DynaPhase, Dynacs 3D, and DynaGap. This state-of-the-art suite of dynamic secondary cooling and soft-reduction packages take into account thermodynamic effects such as shrinkage and phase transitions, and thereby significantly contribute to direct quality improvements during the solidification phase in the continuous casting process. Speed Expert calculates an optimum casting speed for every casting situation, and additionally recommends a strand speed so that the point of final solidification is positioned at the end of a segment for optimum soft reduction. In the case of steel grade changes, the Intermix Expert precisely calculates the chemical properties of the mixed steel, thereby minimizing losses due to deviations from required specifications. The Nozzle Expert is a new model that detects clogged nozzles and broken hoses in secondary cooling systems. The first installations were highly successful and customers are pleased with impressive reductions in maintenance costs and improved steel quality. This paper describes these innovative process automation solutions and gives an overview about the successful results achieved within the first installations.



Automation, Continuous casting, Technological products, Primetals Technologies Brazil

Primetals Technologies Brazil

Como citar

Oberaigner, Wolfgang; Leitner, Reinhold. HIGHLIGHTS IN CONTINUOUS CASTING PROCESS AUTOMATION , p. 804-815. In: 46º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
ISSN: 2594-5300 , DOI 10.5151/1982-9345-27396