Anais do Seminário de Aciaria, Fundição e Metalurgia de Não-ferrosos

ISSN 2594-5300

46º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional vol. 46, num.46 (2015)






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The hot ductility behavior of different microalloyed steel chemical compositions was examined simulating the thermal and strain conditions through the straightening or unbending section of the continuous casting machine. All samples were obtained from industrial slab casters ranging from 200 to 300 mm in slab thickness from steel mills throughout the world including China, Brazil, North America and Europe. The slabs were crack-free and hot rolled into prime quality products. No laboratory heats were tested. Although these microalloyed steels exhibit inherently lower hot ductility behavior, as measured by percent reduction in area at elevated temperature, these steels still exhibit sufficient ductility to satisfactorily meet the unbending stress and strain gradients existing in the straightening section of most casters. The majority of the published hot ductility data, as measured by % reduction in area (%RA), were based on laboratory heats and hence, are inaccurate in accessing the propensity for slab cracking on an industrial caster. This situation then results in invalid conclusions for different chemistries. This research has determined the minimum required %RA for crack-free casting is significantly lower than results based upon previously published laboratory generated data. For example, the literature quotes 40% RA minimum for Nb-bearing steels when in fact as low as 10% minimum RA is more than sufficient to assure crack-free casting based upon the extensive testing and analysis performed in this study. Instead of %RA, the measurement of strain energy has been introduced to evaluate hot ductility behavior. It is concluded that strain energy is a better measure of hot ductility behaviour than %RA. There is considerable value in the evaluation of the hot stress and strain curves, process metallurgy parameters and their relationship to slab quality instead of just basing hot ductility decisions on simple %RA measurements.



Hot ductility, Solidification, Stress strain

Stress strain

Como citar

Jansto, Steven George. HOT DUCTILITY CHARACTERIZATION OF INDUSTRIALLY CAST MICROALLOYED STEELS , p. 542-551. In: 46º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
ISSN: 2594-5300 , DOI 10.5151/1982-9345-26841