ISSN 2594-5300
45º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional — vol. 45, num.45 (2014)
Danieli Linz Technology has been honored at 4.1.2013 with the first contract for the exchange of a 350 t BOF converter for ArcelorMittal Poland Dabrowa Gornicza on a turnkey basis. This paper describes the new design features of this converter based on the development of a new Danieli converter suspension system. The issue was to install a new converter (incl. trunnion ring, suspension system and bearings) with maximum volume but keeping most of the existing equipment unchanged. So, the big tilting drives on both sides had to be reused and the existing foundation, pedestals as well as the bearing distance had to be maintained. Further on the welded coreequipment (vessel shell, trunnion ring, pedestals, slag shields, etc.) was manufactured in-house within the pressure vessel division of Danieli Thailand. Due to the huge dimensions of these parts the delivery had to take place in parts which had to be welded together on site under full production conditions of the steel plant. But also the erection had to be applied under this condition. Additionally the main support bearings, parts of the screening (doghouse) as well as an upgrade of the existing relining machine had to be delivered.
Danieli Linz Technology has been honored at 4.1.2013 with the first contract for the exchange of a 350 t BOF converter for ArcelorMittal Poland Dabrowa Gornicza on a turnkey basis. This paper describes the new design features of this converter based on the development of a new Danieli converter suspension system. The issue was to install a new converter (incl. trunnion ring, suspension system and bearings) with maximum volume but keeping most of the existing equipment unchanged. So, the big tilting drives on both sides had to be reused and the existing foundation, pedestals as well as the bearing distance had to be maintained. Further on the welded coreequipment (vessel shell, trunnion ring, pedestals, slag shields, etc.) was manufactured in-house within the pressure vessel division of Danieli Thailand. Due to the huge dimensions of these parts the delivery had to take place in parts which had to be welded together on site under full production conditions of the steel plant. But also the erection had to be applied under this condition. Additionally the main support bearings, parts of the screening (doghouse) as well as an upgrade of the existing relining machine had to be delivered.
Converter steelmaking; BOF technology; Converter Suspension System; Erection technology
Converter steelmaking; BOF technology; Converter Suspension System; Erection technology
Como citar
Günther Staudinger;
Peter Illecker;
Ireneusz Staniewski;
Ryszard Konieczny;
Stefan Cichonski.
p. 1677-1687.
In: 45º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional,
Porto Alegre - Brasil,
ISSN: 2594-5300
, DOI 10.5151/1982-9345-24199