Anais do Seminário de Laminação, Conformação de Metais e Produtos

ISSN 2594-5297


Roll shop simulation software

Roll shop simulation software




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The roll shop layout will be created in 3D animation with all roll grinders, EDT- machines and auxiliary rollshop equipment (storage racks, de-chockers, cleaning and cooling facilities, automatic loaders/overhead cranes, etc). The under laying software will be fed with all relevant roll data, cycle times, roll change intervals, number and kind of rolls in use, etc. The software will then calculate and later simulate the complete process within the rollshop within a given time period. This can range from a few days up to several years. The simulation can take from a few minutes up to a many hours.


The roll shop layout will be created in 3D animation with all roll grinders, EDT- machines and auxiliary rollshop equipment (storage racks, de-chockers, cleaning and cooling facilities, automatic loaders/overhead cranes, etc). The under laying software will be fed with all relevant roll data, cycle times, roll change intervals, number and kind of rolls in use, etc. The software will then calculate and later simulate the complete process within the rollshop within a given time period. This can range from a few days up to several years. The simulation can take from a few minutes up to a many hours.


Simulation, Software

Simulation, Software

Como citar

SIEGEN), Mr. Volker Witzleb (Project Engineer of WALDRICH. Roll shop simulation software , p. 141-150. In: 41º Seminário de Laminação, Processos e Produtos Laminados Revestidos, Joinville - SC, 2004.
ISSN: 2594-5297 , DOI 10.5151/2594-5297-2004-9458-0015