Anais dos Seminários de Redução, Minério de Ferro e Aglomeração

ISSN 2594-357X







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The highly efficient use of raw materials (a significant cost in Iron- and Steelmaking) in the Blast furnace will have a large impact on the total through-cost chain. High utilization and increased productivity of the unit will further have a great positive impact. Large differences exist in Blast furnace operation, when looking to producing units worldwide. By carrying out an independent blast furnace audit these differences may be highlighted. When the difference are identified, the first step toward overcoming any significant deficiencies is made. Increasing the length of the campaign of the blast furnace to an almost endless time span is an obvious way of limiting spending of investment money and having less production loss of Hot metal by higher availability of the unit. The flip side however is increased risk of equipment failure. An audit can identify these risks and quantify the likelihood of occurrence and the associated consequences. Inspection and testing programs may be implemented to increase knowledge of the unit and quantify the risks more accurately. With this information at hand, educated decisions can be made with regards to productivity levels, intermediate repair plans, contingency plans, and long term planning, all with the aim of securing the profitable future of the operating unit.


The highly efficient use of raw materials (a significant cost in Iron- and Steelmaking) in the Blast furnace will have a large impact on the total through-cost chain. High utilization and increased productivity of the unit will further have a great positive impact. Large differences exist in Blast furnace operation, when looking to producing units worldwide. By carrying out an independent blast furnace audit these differences may be highlighted. When the difference are identified, the first step toward overcoming any significant deficiencies is made. Increasing the length of the campaign of the blast furnace to an almost endless time span is an obvious way of limiting spending of investment money and having less production loss of Hot metal by higher availability of the unit. The flip side however is increased risk of equipment failure. An audit can identify these risks and quantify the likelihood of occurrence and the associated consequences. Inspection and testing programs may be implemented to increase knowledge of the unit and quantify the risks more accurately. With this information at hand, educated decisions can be made with regards to productivity levels, intermediate repair plans, contingency plans, and long term planning, all with the aim of securing the profitable future of the operating unit.


Blast furnace; Auditing; Risk; Campaign.

Blast furnace; Auditing; Risk; Campaign.

Como citar

Wise, Jennifer; laar, Reinoud van; Kapitein, Frank; Engel, Edo. TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL AUDITING OF BLAST FURNACE IRONMAKING UNITS , p. 37-47. In: 41º Ironmaking and Raw Materials Seminar and 12º Brazilian Symposium on Iron Ore, Vila Velha, 2011.
ISSN: 2594-357X , DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-00009