ISSN 2594-5300
45º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional — vol. 45, num.45 (2014)
When water enters the EAF, some chemically dissociates to H2 while some remains as H2O vapor. Depending on operating conditions the levels of combustible gases (CO and H2) and H2O are continually changing throughout the course of any individual heat and on a heat-toheat basis. The EFSOP® system has been implemented in more than 80 installations as a powerful tool to reduce furnace operation costs but with water detection technology the off gas technology is a valuable solution to improve safety. This paper describes the latest results when using Tenova Goodfellow’s new standalone water detection technology that for the first time provides real-time analysis of both H2O vapor and H2 from start-to-end of a heat. It involves a newly designed water cooled probe and heated line that eliminates condensation during off-gas sampling and an analyzer equipped with a proprietary system for analyzing both H2O vapor and H2.
When water enters the EAF, some chemically dissociates to H2 while some remains as H2O vapor. Depending on operating conditions the levels of combustible gases (CO and H2) and H2O are continually changing throughout the course of any individual heat and on a heat-toheat basis. The EFSOP® system has been implemented in more than 80 installations as a powerful tool to reduce furnace operation costs but with water detection technology the off gas technology is a valuable solution to improve safety. This paper describes the latest results when using Tenova Goodfellow’s new standalone water detection technology that for the first time provides real-time analysis of both H2O vapor and H2 from start-to-end of a heat. It involves a newly designed water cooled probe and heated line that eliminates condensation during off-gas sampling and an analyzer equipped with a proprietary system for analyzing both H2O vapor and H2.
Water detection; Water vapor; Condensation; Off-gas; Alarm
Water detection; Water vapor; Condensation; Off-gas; Alarm
How to refer
Armando Vazquez.
p. 2352-2361.
In: 45º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional,
Porto Alegre - Brasil,
ISSN: 2594-5300
, DOI 10.5151/1982-9345-24504