ISSN 2594-357X
For coke oven plants, emissions to air are most significant. Many of these are fugitive emissions from various sources such as leakages from lids, oven doors and leveler doors, ascension pipes and emissions from operations like coal charging, coke pushing and quenching. Emphasis shall be placed on smooth and undisturbed operation as well as on maintenance of coke ovens, which appears to be essential. The main point source for emissions to the air is the waste gas from the coke oven underfiring. Hence, most of the techniques in order to reduce emissions to air concentrate on an advance cleaning processes of the coke oven gas in the byproduct plant as well as on a sustainable maintenance of the equipment and the piping and flanging. Desulphurization of coke oven gas is a measure of high priority to minimize SO2 emissions, not only at coke oven plants themselves, but also at other plants where the coke oven gas is used as a fuel. This paper focuses on: legal regulations on emission control and demands in Germany and in the European Union, especially considering the implementation of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and BREF-document (BAT REFerence document) relevant for European coke plants; and examples of technical solutions for emission reduction on coke oven and byproduct plants.
For coke oven plants, emissions to air are most significant. Many of these are fugitive emissions from various sources such as leakages from lids, oven doors and leveler doors, ascension pipes and emissions from operations like coal charging, coke pushing and quenching. Emphasis shall be placed on smooth and undisturbed operation as well as on maintenance of coke ovens, which appears to be essential. The main point source for emissions to the air is the waste gas from the coke oven underfiring. Hence, most of the techniques in order to reduce emissions to air concentrate on an advance cleaning processes of the coke oven gas in the byproduct plant as well as on a sustainable maintenance of the equipment and the piping and flanging. Desulphurization of coke oven gas is a measure of high priority to minimize SO2 emissions, not only at coke oven plants themselves, but also at other plants where the coke oven gas is used as a fuel. This paper focuses on: legal regulations on emission control and demands in Germany and in the European Union, especially considering the implementation of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and BREF-document (BAT REFerence document) relevant for European coke plants; and examples of technical solutions for emission reduction on coke oven and byproduct plants.
Environmental regulation; Coke making; By products; Emission reduction.
Environmental regulation; Coke making; By products; Emission reduction.
How to refer
Sowa, Frank;
Kaiser, Manfred;
Hein, Michael;
Kern, Wolfgang;
Silva., Helênio.
p. 1395-1405.
In: 42º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas / 13º Seminário Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro / 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking,
Rio de Jabeiro,
ISSN: 2594-357X
, DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-22241