ISSN 2594-357X
We should point out that at an integrated steel plant, the by-products recycling in the sinter plant depends on the initial treatment of these materials. At ArcelorMittal Monlevade, this treatment originally consisted of the following steps: screening, proportioning and mixing operations. A wheel loader was used for materials handling operations. Considering the strict Zn input control in the blast furnace, the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) sludge use was not allowed due to the treatment conditions. Aiming at improving this treatment, a new plant was commissioned. After that, the BOF sludge consumption was started. The current BOF sludge consumption is 450 tons per month (3.2 kg of steelshop sludge per ton of sinter).
We should point out that at an integrated steel plant, the by-products recycling in the sinter plant depends on the initial treatment of these materials. At ArcelorMittal Monlevade, this treatment originally consisted of the following steps: screening, proportioning and mixing operations. A wheel loader was used for materials handling operations. Considering the strict Zn input control in the blast furnace, the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) sludge use was not allowed due to the treatment conditions. Aiming at improving this treatment, a new plant was commissioned. After that, the BOF sludge consumption was started. The current BOF sludge consumption is 450 tons per month (3.2 kg of steelshop sludge per ton of sinter).
BOF sludge; By-products; Sinter plant.
BOF sludge; By-products; Sinter plant.
How to refer
Ribeiro, Efrem Martins;
Donizete, Jose Custodio;
Souza, Juliana Almeida de;
Bicalho., Rubens Moreira.
p. 1979-1985.
In: 42º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas / 13º Seminário Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro / 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking,
Rio de Jabeiro,
ISSN: 2594-357X
, DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-22360