ISSN 2594-357X
This paper presents implementation aspects of the new supervisory system Power TG, from ArcelorMittal Tubarão power distribution system. In 1983, with a production capacity of 3 million tons of steel per year and a power generation capacity of 144 MW, the power distribution system was originally not automated. In 1997, with its year production expanded to 4,5 million tons and with a power capacity of 290 MW, the substations were digitalized and the digital supervisory system ALSPA was installed, centralizing the operation. In the 2007 expansion to 7,5 million tons/year and the power generation capacity expanded to 433 MW, a power surplus of 120 MW started to be sold to the power market, demanding the power system co- operation with the National System Operation, ONS. Hence, the new Level 2 supervisory system Power TG was installed to face the new challenges with its system control interfaces, main managerial information monitoring, historical database and communication with PROCOM systems. The system nowadays exceeds the initial expectations, since it provides flexibility, safety and reliability to the complex power grid operation.
This paper presents implementation aspects of the new supervisory system Power TG, from ArcelorMittal Tubarão power distribution system. In 1983, with a production capacity of 3 million tons of steel per year and a power generation capacity of 144 MW, the power distribution system was originally not automated. In 1997, with its year production expanded to 4,5 million tons and with a power capacity of 290 MW, the substations were digitalized and the digital supervisory system ALSPA was installed, centralizing the operation. In the 2007 expansion to 7,5 million tons/year and the power generation capacity expanded to 433 MW, a power surplus of 120 MW started to be sold to the power market, demanding the power system co- operation with the National System Operation, ONS. Hence, the new Level 2 supervisory system Power TG was installed to face the new challenges with its system control interfaces, main managerial information monitoring, historical database and communication with PROCOM systems. The system nowadays exceeds the initial expectations, since it provides flexibility, safety and reliability to the complex power grid operation.
Automation; Level 2; Power distribution system; Power TG
Automation; Level 2; Power distribution system; Power TG
How to refer
Zanchetta, Lorena Donati;
Silva, Fernando Dummer;
Lima, Willye Bonfá de;
Alfano, Sávio Marcos;
Valle, Fabio Luiz.
p. 1037-1049.
In: 38º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas e 9º Simpósio Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro,
São Luís - MA,
ISSN: 2594-357X
, DOI 10.5151/2594-357x-0104