ISSN 2594-5300
35º Seminário de Fusão, Refino e Solidificação dos Metais e 5º Seminário de Fundição — vol. 35, num.35 (2004)
A fully-integrated automation system in metals production and processing is enormously important for achieving product quality as well as process efficiency, and cost-effective production. Fault tracking and retracking back to the source are only possible with heuristic automation systems based on a new model architecture for thermodynamics.
A fully-integrated automation system in metals production and processing is enormously important for achieving product quality as well as process efficiency, and cost-effective production. Fault tracking and retracking back to the source are only possible with heuristic automation systems based on a new model architecture for thermodynamics.
Mass, Energy;
Mass, Energy;
How to refer
Matschullat, Dr. Thomas;
AG, Siemens;
Saito, Walter Massanori de.
Uniform mass and energy balance for the entire process chain of steel plants
p. 467-477.
In: 35º Seminário de Fusão, Refino e Solidificação dos Metais e 5º Seminário de Fundição,
ISSN: 2594-5300
, DOI 10.5151/2594-5300-0047