Proceedings of the National Meeting of Metallurgical, Materials and Mining

ISSN 2594-4711

13º ENEMET - Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Metalúrgica, de Materiais e de Minas

vol. 13, num.13 (2013) — Event part of the ABM 2013


ABM’s most traditional event, this Conference, in its 68th edition, reinstates its commitment to be a driver of technical and scientifi c evolution and innovation in the areas of mining, metallurgy and materials. Its diversifi ed program, as one can ascertain, emphasizes the technological aspects and the debate of major issues which impact the industry’s competitiveness.

We are convinced that the current development stage attained by mining and steelmaking, as well as by the non-ferrous and materials industry in Brazil, owes a great deal to the knowledge presented, discussed and disseminated through various ways in this Conference throughout the years it has been continuously held.

This forum has also acted as an importante link bringing students and the corporate world together. Through Enemet – National Meeting of Metallurgy, Materials and Mines Engineering Students, currently in its 13th edition, it provides future professionals with opportunities to supplement their technical training and get to know the requirements of the job market.

Always in the forefront, ABM’s mission continues up to date and reinvigorated regarding the global scenario, whose intense competition among companies and countries and the fast technological development make knowledge an increasingly importante input for the competitiveness of both organizations and professionals.

Therefore, let us take this valuable opportunity to increasingly foster our learning, update information and expand our networking.


Alfredo Huallem

ABM Chairman