ISSN 2594-5335
vol. 20, num.20 (2016) — Event part of the ABM WEEK 2nd edition - 2016
The second edition of Latin America’s largest technical and scientific event in the metals, materials and mining industries will take place in Rio de Janeiro from 27th to 29th September. Promoting synergy among major links of the production chain in the different industries will be a highlight during the ABM WEEK, which will bring together 12 events in the same venue.
Andre Riyuiti Hirakawa - Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo
Evandro Soares Bernardes - APERAM
Sérgio de Souza Mendes - ARCELORMITTAL TUBARÃO
Alessandro Ribeiro Lage - ThyssenKrupp CSA
Alessandro Santiago dos Santos - IPT
Cristiano de Lanna - USIMINAS IPATINGA
Eduardo Mota de Almeida - VALLOUREC
Edvaldo Toledo de Oliveira - GERDAU AÇOMINAS
Francisco Roberto Martins de Andrade - CONSULTOR
Januário Alberto Hasdovaz Gorga - JAHGOR
Paulo Wangham - ALCOA
Resilene Mansur - CSN
Walter Massanori de Saito - PRIMETALS TECHNOLOGIES