2nd International Brazilian Conference on Tribology

vol. 2, num.2 (2014) — Event part of the Eventos ABM 2014


The Second International Brazilian Conference on Tribology TriboBr-2014 emphasized the tribological challenges associated with sustainability and renewable energy sources, in particular hydroelectric and wind power generation, biofuels and biolubricants. In this sense, multidisciplinary topics have been planed such as large bearings, tribological challenges associated with sugar cane production (tillage, harvesting, etc), ethanol production (milling, tribocorrosion, etc), and flex fuel engines, and, of course new tribo-materials.

TriboBR-2014 was held in November 2014 in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. Foz do Iguaçu, besides being a wonderful and scenic venue (Iguaçu Falls one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature, rain forest etc) is home of the second biggest hydroelectric power plant in the world (Itaipú Binacional - 14000 MW) and therefore will be a perfect location to discuss sustainability and its tribological challenges.

Prof. José Daniel Biasoli de Mello - Chair - UFU
Dr. Roberto Martins de Souza - Co-chair - USP
Prof. Aloisio Nelmo Klein - UFSC
Dr. EduardoTomanik - MAHLE
Dr. Giuseppe Pintaude - UTFPR
Dra. Henara Lillian Costa - UFU
Luiz Fernando Lastres - Petrobras
Dra. Marcia Marie Maru - INMETRO
Dra. Maria Cristina Moré Farias - UCS

Dr. Giuseppe Pintaude - UTFPR
Prof. José Daniel Biasoli de Mello - Chair - UFU

Hanshan Dong (UK)
Adilson Rodrigues da Costa (Brazil)
Carlos Henrique Silva (Brazil)
Cristiano Binder (Brazil)
Cristine Boher (France)
Danielle Dini (UK)
Fabrice Dessanoy (France)
Geralda Cristina Durães de Godoy (Brazil)
Gustavo C. Buscaglia (Brazil)
Helio Goldenstein (Brazil)
João Telésforo Nóbrega de Medeiros (Brazil)
John Jairo Coronado Marin (Colombia)
José Gomes (Portugal)
Lucia Vieira Santos (Brazil)
Luís Augusto Rocha (Brazil)
Marcelo Braga dos Santos (Brazil)
Marcio Gustavo Di Vernieri Cuppari (Brazil)
Maria Isabel de Barros Bouchet (France)
Massimo Pelizari (Italy)
Mathew T. Mathew (Canada)
Ricardo C. Dommarco (Argentina)
Richard R. Chromik (Canada)
Steven Shaffer (USA)
Thomaz Mathia (France)
Washington Martins da Silva Junior (Brazil)

Prof. Peter H. Jost - Honorary President (UK)
Prof. Dae-Eun Kim (Korea)
Prof. Enrico Ciulli (Italy)
Prof. Izhak Etsion (Israel)
Prof. John Willians (UK)
Prof. Michel Fillon (France)
Prof. Philip H. Shipway (UK)
Prof. Satish V. Kailas (India)
Prof. Alberto Arnaldo Raslan (Brazil)
Prof. Alejandro Toro (Colombia)
Prof. Amilcar Ramalho (Portugal)
Prof. André Paulo Tschiptschin (Brazil)
Dr. Cherlio Scandian (Brazil)
Prof. Gwidon W. Stachowiak (Australia)
Prof. G. Gregory Sawyer (USA)
Prof. Hugh Spikes (UK)
Prof. Jacob Klein (Israel)
Prof. Jean Michel Martin (France)
Prof. Koshi Adachi (Japan)
Prof. Margareth M. Stack (Scotland)
Dr. Martin Dienwiebel (Germany)
Prof. Mitjan Kalin (Slovenia)
Prof. Nicholas D. Spencer (Switzerland)
Dr. Peter Julian Blau (USA)
Dr. Stefano Mischler (Switzerland)
Prof. Zygmunt Rymuza (Poland)