Proceedings of the Seminar on Steelmaking, Casting and Non-Ferrous Metallurgy

ISSN 2594-5300

43º Seminário de Aciaria - Internacional

vol. 43, num.43 (2012) — Event part of the ABM 2012


Welcome to the 43rd Steelmaking Seminar - International sponsored by ABM – Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração.

The growth and participation of the industry in production and job creation has been the subject of important discussions in this sector, leading to debates about the “disindustrialization” process.

Brazilian manufacturing industry, which has historically accounted for up to 26% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), now reaches only 14.6%. Such a phenomenon takes is due mainly to the entry of imported products into all sectors of the economy at more competitive prices vis-à-vis the domestic market.

The exchange fluctuation is not to be solely blamed for such a loss in market penetration. Other factors also interfere.

In a comparison with the U.S., where energy costs rose 35.3% in 8 years, in Brazil these costs increased by 246%. The unit cost of labor here, however, increased 46% in 5 years, whereas only 3.6% in the U.S. Another example is the cost of 1 million BTUs of natural gas produced in Camaçari, Bahia, which is US$15, six times more expensive than that generated in the U.S. (US$2.5). Industrial productivity there reached 9% between 2007 and 2011, whereas the Brazilian indicator did not exceed 1.1%.

Such figures are a clear evidence that the Brazilian transformation industry has a major challenge to tackle. The scenario offers great opportunities to expand knowledge and develop new projects to overcome such difficulties, requiring increasingly greater efforts from technicians, engineers, specialists, masters and doctors who work at steel mills.

By applying the highest level of knowledge and technologies, such professionals provide na indefatigable search for optimizing steelmaking processes, which is utterly necessary to overcome the challenges we are faced with in the current economic scenario.

The program of the 43rd Steelmaking Seminar - International is extremely rich and diversified.

This year we will have 72 high-level technical papers which attest to the excellence in areas such as electric steelworks, oxygen steelmaking, secondary metallurgy, solidification/casting, which for sure will provide a competitive differential at the companies where they area implemented.

The need to seek knowledge in the energy-reduction area encouraged the organizing committee to set up a panel where new technologies earmarked for energy efficiency will be presented. To that end, companies possessing technology in such area were invited to present the state of the art and its new


There will also be a round-table to discuss issues concerning the adequacy of new engineers to steel making processes, with the participation of representatives from the industry, universities and foundations, to foster a deep discussion which will help participants in their daily activities.

Two high-level courses will be held during the event:

• Thermochemical computer-aided steelmaking in the industrial practice (featuring FactSage and derived software) to give an overview of chemical thermodynamics fundamentals and principles, in order to analyze industrial processes using computational thermodynamics tool FactSage (and derived software). Some examples of application will be shown focusing on steel making and steel-related processes. The course will be given by Dr. Klaus Hack (Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering of RWTH Aachen).

• Temperature control in processes of primary refining, secondary refining and continuous casting of steels, aiming to present a practical approach to such a complex variable as temperature control during the various stages of steel making at the specific plants. The course will be given by engineers Katsujiro Susaki (FEI), José Flávio Viana (Tecnosulfur) and Wellington Ferreira Barbosa (CSN).

Our expectation is to be able to provide all participants with new knowledge during a unique opportunity to make excellent contacts and networking in a pleasant ambience, which is a major feature perceived in ABM‑sponsored events.

Thanking ABM’s management for their special support and the team members who collaborated to hold this event, we welcome all of you and hope you will enjoy this exciting seminar.



Após cada texto do “sobre”, incluir a lista da comissão organizadora abaixo.



Supervisão / Supervision

Divisão Técnica de Fusão, Refino e Solidificação / Steelmaking Technical Division


Direção / Direction

Wilson Ferreira de Souza


Vice-direção / Vice-direction

Venâncio Carlos de Oliveira Neto



Coordenação Científico  / Scientific Coordination

Antônio Cézar Faria Vilela - UFRGS


Coordenadores / Coordinators

Venâncio Carlos de Oliveira Neto - RHI Refractories Mercosul

Wilson Ferreira de Souza - Consultor


Membros / Members


Aristidis Betzios – Danieli do Brasil

Bruno Rodrigues Henriques - ArcelorMittal Brasil - Tubarão
Carlos Alberto Mendes Moraes - Unisinos

Carlos Eduardo D’Elboux Rochelle - ArcelorMittal Brasil - Piracicaba
Carlos Jerônimo da Silva Gueiros - SGL Group
Cláudio Antonio Goulart Valadares - Carboox
Danilo Di Napoli Guzela - Usiminas

Douglas Gregório - ECIL MET TEC

Frederico Carlos Castro Mourão - Quaker Chemical

Gerson Cruz de Moraes - CSN

Guilherme Otávio Nogueira dos Reis - Votorantim Siderurgia

Ismar Antônio Sardinha - Lumar Metals
Jörg Schwelberger - Siemens Vai
José Flávio Viana - Tecnosulfur
José Luiz Lopes Martinez - Graftech
José Sampaio Guedes de Azevedo – VAR Insumos
Lauro José de S. Chevrand - CTS - Chevrand Tecnologia Siderúrgica
Lívio Valério Togni - Togni

Magno Levi Araújo Mendes – Unifrax Brasil

Marcelo Carboneri Carboni – CBMM

Maurício Ferreira de Pinho – Meister Technik
Octávio Alves Júnior - Heraeus Electro-Nite
Otávio Augusto da Cunha Teixeira - Aperam

Paulo Osório Ribeiro Caldeira Brant - Magnesita

Paulo Santos Assis - UFOP

Pedro José Nolasco Sobrinho - Vamtec
Roberto Parreiras Tavares - UFMG
Santiago Ruiz Barrios - Intoox
Sérgio Wilibaldo Garcia Scherer - Minitec
Sílvio Antonio Petto Nunes de Abreu - REP Minerals

Suzana Lancelote de Freitas - Stollberg