First International Brazil Conference on Tribology TriboBr-2010 and 2nd Internacional Tribology Symposium of IFToMM

vol. 1, num.1 (2010) — Event part of the ABM 2010


The organized activities of Brazilian Tribology started at the end of the 1980’s and were mainly focused on abrasive wear, mining and metallurgy of wear resistant materials.

The first Brazilian Seminar on wear resistant materials was held at Sao Paulo State University in 1989. Six further seminars were held during the following 20 years. Slowly and steadily the content of these seminars evolved from wear resistant materials, mainly abrasion, to tribology in general. We still have a long way to go, but Brazilian tribology has certainly made a lot of progress. Today almost every national congress in related areas has a track/section on tribology. However, almost certainly, none of these meetings had as much international participation as at TriboBR 2010. This participation may be regarded as a sign of the extent of development that tribological studies have reached in Brazil. This development has given rise to a conference where not only tribologists from different parts of the world may discuss their results and findings among themselves, but Brazilian tribologists also have the opportunity and the challenge of discussing their results with the international tribological community and vice-versa.

Indeed Tribology has experienced substantial development and increased interest in recent years in Brazil. Today there are 11 Brazilian academic groups with a total of around 170 people researching the various different fields of tribology.

In order to organize and sustain these Brazilian activities in Tribology, a Tribology Technical Division was created within the Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração-ABM [Brazilian Metallurgy, Materials and Mining Association]. In order to celebrate such a creation, ABM is organizing this First International Brazilian Conference on Tribology, TriboBr-2010.