ISSN 2594-357X
Nowadays, further efficiency and flexibility for blast furnace ironmaking process are required to save ferrous and fuel resources, utilize low quality materials and lower reducing agent rates together with conserving global environment. In this work, as one of these measures, comprehensive reaction behaviors of the packed bed consisting of both pellet (alternative to sinter) and metallurgical coke particles were examined in a laboratory reaction apparatus with flowing a reducing gas N2-CO-CO2 under the blast furnace simulated conditions with a constant load until 1400oC, because these detailed reaction mechanisms are yet unknown. As a result, the mixing of coke in the bed enhanced to a definite extent the reducibility of pellets than those without coke, whereas the gasification of coke did not almost occur. Simultaneously the mixing of coke inhibited fairly the bed shrinkage derived from softening of packed materials and it was confirmed the role of coke in the bed as a hard spacer. Also, with increasing the proportion of coke mixed in the bed until 5 wt% and 10 wt%, the starting temperature of metal melting lowered surely due to enhancement of carburization into reduced irons derived from carbonous species in both phases of gas and coke. Moreover, the reaction behaviors of the bed were overall investigated along with the results of pressure drop and exit gas analysis and micro structures of partial reacted solids in the bed, including the influence of the size of coke.
Nowadays, further efficiency and flexibility for blast furnace ironmaking process are required to save ferrous and fuel resources, utilize low quality materials and lower reducing agent rates together with conserving global environment. In this work, as one of these measures, comprehensive reaction behaviors of the packed bed consisting of both pellet (alternative to sinter) and metallurgical coke particles were examined in a laboratory reaction apparatus with flowing a reducing gas N2-CO-CO2 under the blast furnace simulated conditions with a constant load until 1400oC, because these detailed reaction mechanisms are yet unknown. As a result, the mixing of coke in the bed enhanced to a definite extent the reducibility of pellets than those without coke, whereas the gasification of coke did not almost occur. Simultaneously the mixing of coke inhibited fairly the bed shrinkage derived from softening of packed materials and it was confirmed the role of coke in the bed as a hard spacer. Also, with increasing the proportion of coke mixed in the bed until 5 wt% and 10 wt%, the starting temperature of metal melting lowered surely due to enhancement of carburization into reduced irons derived from carbonous species in both phases of gas and coke. Moreover, the reaction behaviors of the bed were overall investigated along with the results of pressure drop and exit gas analysis and micro structures of partial reacted solids in the bed, including the influence of the size of coke.
Coke mixed packed bed; Reducibility; Carburization; Softening melting; Blast furnace simulated reaction behavior.
Coke mixed packed bed; Reducibility; Carburization; Softening melting; Blast furnace simulated reaction behavior.
How to refer
Hayashi, Shoji;
Okumura, Keiji;
Suzuki, Hironori;
Shizu., Kenta.
p. 548-559.
In: 42º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas / 13º Seminário Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro / 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking,
Rio de Jabeiro,
ISSN: 2594-357X
, DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-22131