ISSN 2594-357X
Froth flotation is widely used method for ore beneficiation. The reverse iron ore flotation basically consists of the selective separation of silicate particles from magnetite or hematite. In these processes, the amines are added to the system being adsorbed on the silicate surface, which is removed from the flotation cell as foam. It is well known that in the flotation cell the selectivity of flotation depends on the average and the width of the bubble size distribution. This feature is relevant regarding the frothing ability of the amine that affects the particle bubble adhesion kinetics. This paper describes, based on the ability of certain chemicals to modify the mineral surface, the selection of an adequate amine type which changed significantly the froth characteristics at a magnetite flotation system, changing the amount and stability of the foam.
Froth flotation is widely used method for ore beneficiation. The reverse iron ore flotation basically consists of the selective separation of silicate particles from magnetite or hematite. In these processes, the amines are added to the system being adsorbed on the silicate surface, which is removed from the flotation cell as foam. It is well known that in the flotation cell the selectivity of flotation depends on the average and the width of the bubble size distribution. This feature is relevant regarding the frothing ability of the amine that affects the particle bubble adhesion kinetics. This paper describes, based on the ability of certain chemicals to modify the mineral surface, the selection of an adequate amine type which changed significantly the froth characteristics at a magnetite flotation system, changing the amount and stability of the foam.
Froth flotation; Magnetite; Amines; Reverse iron ore.
Froth flotation; Magnetite; Amines; Reverse iron ore.
How to refer
Cassola, Monica Speck;
Silva, Wagner Claudio da;
Bartalini., Nilson Mar.
p. 1460-1466.
In: 42º Seminário de Redução de Minério de Ferro e Matérias-primas / 13º Seminário Brasileiro de Minério de Ferro / 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking,
Rio de Jabeiro,
ISSN: 2594-357X
, DOI 10.5151/2594-357X-22248