1st International Meeting on Ironmaking vol. 1, num.1 (2001)


Brazilian Market for Coal e Coke

Brazilian Market for Coal e Coke




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The paper presents a brief description of the Brazilian mills that buy coking coal, PCI coal, and blast furnace coke, detailing the iron reduction area and the coke batteries. For the period 1998-2000, it is indicated for each mill the production of hot metal, the consumption of blast furnace coke and PCI coal, the production of coke and blast furnace coke, and the quantities of coking coal, PCI coal, and blast furnace coke purchased each year. It also presents the authors' projection of the demand for coking coal, PCI coal, and blast furnace coke for 2005. The main coal brands purchased by BSM for the fiscal years of 1998, 1999, and 2000 are listed, indicating the estimated quantities and price range.


The paper presents a brief description of the Brazilian mills that buy coking coal, PCI coal, and blast furnace coke, detailing the iron reduction area and the coke batteries. For the period 1998-2000, it is indicated for each mill the production of hot metal, the consumption of blast furnace coke and PCI coal, the production of coke and blast furnace coke, and the quantities of coking coal, PCI coal, and blast furnace coke purchased each year. It also presents the authors' projection of the demand for coking coal, PCI coal, and blast furnace coke for 2005. The main coal brands purchased by BSM for the fiscal years of 1998, 1999, and 2000 are listed, indicating the estimated quantities and price range.




Como citar

Garcia, L. F. Sarcinelli; Faria, Carlos Henrique Martins de. Brazilian Market for Coal e Coke , p. 273-290. In: 1st International Meeting on Ironmaking, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, 2001.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/ABM-IRONMAKING-2001-2001216