1st International Meeting on Ironmaking vol. 1, num.1 (2001)


Techno-operational aspects and basic philosophy of CST to define its blast furnaces ferrous burden.

Techno-operational aspects and basic philosophy of CST to define its blast furnaces ferrous burden.




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This paper describes the main aspects related to the iron ore supply to CST (Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão) blast furnace, taking into consideration aspects such as CST's strategies and logistics, operational flexibility needs, chemical and physical characteristics of iron ores (fines, lump ore, and pellets), and cost competitiveness, showing the main operational results. After studies and projections based on different scenarios were made, CST opted to establish a long-term exclusivity contract for iron ore supply with CVRD (Companhia Vale do Rio Doce) to meet the targets of its pig iron and steel production master plan, which focuses on continuous increase.


This paper describes the main aspects related to the iron ore supply to CST (Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão) blast furnace, taking into consideration aspects such as CST's strategies and logistics, operational flexibility needs, chemical and physical characteristics of iron ores (fines, lump ore, and pellets), and cost competitiveness, showing the main operational results. After studies and projections based on different scenarios were made, CST opted to establish a long-term exclusivity contract for iron ore supply with CVRD (Companhia Vale do Rio Doce) to meet the targets of its pig iron and steel production master plan, which focuses on continuous increase.




Como citar

Neto, Coletano Benigno de Abreu; Klein, Cristiano Alfredo; Harano, Edson Luiz Massonori; Silva, Fábio Oumer. Techno-operational aspects and basic philosophy of CST to define its blast furnaces ferrous burden. , p. 519-528. In: 1st International Meeting on Ironmaking, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil, 2001.
ISSN: - , DOI 10.5151/ABM-IRONMAKING-2001-2001236